We are so proud and excited to tell you about our new campaign! We dream of building a community of confident women that lift each other up. For our latest shoot in Amsterdam, we decided it's time to change the perfect beauty ideal for once and for all. Instead of opting for traditional models, we put an open casting call on Instagram and in our newsletter to find a diverse group of perfectly normal models with no model experience. We were overwhelmed with the response and it all led to an amazing and inspiring shoot day.
Our goal is to normalize natural beauty while being confident in our own skin. We visualized our idea of true beauty which is not defined by a certain body shape or other specific features. We found six diverse women, from different backgrounds and ages, with different body shapes. They each have their own motivations for participating and their own unique stories to be told. We hope you'll be able to identify with their individual stories that we'll share over the course of the next months, and realize that you are not alone in whatever challenges come your way. Together, women can create some badass magic.
"I am a mother of two girls of two and four years old. I think it's important for them to understand that everyone is beautiful in their own way. This is a perfect opportunity to show to my two girls: 'I am happy with my body, and you are allowed to show that.' ''
"In the past, I was never able to identify myself with models. I believed you have to be skinny, slim and slender to fit into society so to say. I have a bigger body, and that is totally okay. My weight doesn't say anything about who I am, it is just how much I weigh. I think right now, the world is working on accepting every body type and I'm happy to help with that."
"I struggle and have struggled a lot with mental health, which influences my self-confidence and my self-image. I feel very insecure about... everything. I think it's important that apart from a normal body, all these things like anxiety are also normalized. Because I am not the only one struggling with that."
"About five years ago I lost 45 kg within a year, purely through exercise and healthy nutrition. I wish everyone would start looking at bodies with a lot more compassion and joy. Especially their own! I think it’s important to normalize seeing something else than a toned body. This is such a beautiful way to share a body like mine, so I gladly participated."
''Due to my past, it is challenging to express myself. It took a lot of courage to do this shoot and so it was a huge step for me and a great opportunity. It felt like I had to engage to overcome stagnation in self-expression and be aware of my body that used to feel paralyzed and turned off. To feel beautiful, feminine and worthy without shame or guilt. Being with this wonderful group of women felt so empowering. Be proud, embrace your femininity and dare to shine.''
"I am 50 now and I have been pretty insecure all my life. Oftentimes you don't see how beautiful you really are when you're young. Only now am I starting to appreciate what I didn't see back then. Only now am I brave enough. The funny thing is, especially now that my body is changing, now that I am aging, I feel a lot more comfortable in my skin. So I had to do this. As an ode to myself."

Finally, we want to give a massive THANK YOU to all our perfectly normal models, who were brave and kind enough to show up and share their stories, and to anyone else who helped make this day possible. Keep an eye out for more in-depth blogs about the individual stories of these inspiring women. Hopefully you enjoy this campaign as much as we enjoyed making it. Feel free to leave a comment below to share your thoughts. Don't forget to check our perfectly normal models shining on the lingerie shopping page. Lots of love from our team!
PS. Sharing is caring! Sharing this campaign with other women would mean the world to us and hopefully also to them.